UM study tells antibodies stop Zika in monkeys

Diogo Magnani, an associate scholar for the University of Miami's Miller School of Medicine, prepares cell cultures in a biological security cabinet at the section of Pathology at UM's Life Sciences & Technology Park. Magnani helped lead a recent research which used injected Zika virus antibodies to stop contagion in macaque monkeys. AL DIAZ

Technology which led to the recent Nobel Prize was critical in Purdue's research of the Zika structure

— Purdue University investigators Michael Rossmann & Richard Kuhn have been at the forefront of discovery by the help of a technology that soon led to a Nobel Prize in chemistry for 3 scientists. Rossmann, Kuhn & their Purdue study team earned international headlines in March 2016 while they set the structure of the Zika virus, that was made possible Utilizing cryo-electron microscopy. Most recently, the study team set How some antibodies neutralize contagions caused by Zika virus. They were the premier to chart the structure of any flavivirus while they set the dengue fever virus structure in 2002. In 2003 they were premier to set the structure of West Nile virus & were too the premier to do Extremely by Zika in 2016.

Technology that led to the recent Nobel Prize was critical in Purdue's study of the Zika virus structure

FDA confirms premier Analysis for screening Zika in blood donations

referring to It is intended for Utilize with blood collection establishments to announce Zika in blood donations, not for the individual diagnosis of Zika infection. "Screening blood donations for the Zika is critical to protecting infective donations from entering the United States blood supply. The information gathered from this testing, & from extra researches performed with the manufacturer, demonstrated which the cobas Zika Analysis is an efficient Analysis to Monitor blood donors for Zika infection. The cobas Zika Analysis is intended for Utilize on the fully automated cobas 6800 & cobas 8800 systems. The cobas Zika test, cobas 6800, & cobas 8800 systems are manufactured with Roche Molecular Systems, Inc.

Once harmless, Zika became lethal after single genetic mutation

The Chinese investigators too came lock to pinpointing the time at that the Zika graduated from unwelcome pest case to an international scourge. By March 2015, the Zika had arrived in Brazil & was circulating widely there. Or had the Zika acquired an ominous mutation before hitting the Americas? Then they infective human neural progenitor cells — the forerunners of mature human brain cells — by the Zika strain bearing that single mutation. The Zika virus' penchant for attacking emerging brain tissue has come into increasing focus in recent research.

Once harmless, Zika virus became lethal after single genetic mutation

collected by :Lucy William